The Small Boss

    Written by: Abdullah Fazli

Najeeb was a boy living with his family in a green village far from the city. He had a sister, Najia, and brother, Ashraf. Najeeb was always ordering his brother and sister to do his works.

One day he came from playing and called Najia and gave her a new ball and asked her to keep it somewhere and said that their team would have a football game with the other team in the afternoon. Meanwhile, he ordered Ashraf to polish his shoes and asked Najia to prepare the lunch for him.

Najia asked him to wait for his mother to come from the neighbor’s house and she would prepare the lunch for him but Najeeb became angry and ordered Najia to reheat the food.

When she reheated the food and wanted to bring it in a bowel, Najeeb became angry and called her loudly to bring him food soon. Najia lost her control and the porridge bowel dropped down on her leg and she burnt her leg and started to cry.

Her mother came and blamed Najeeb for not doing his work himself. At this time, Najia's father also came home. Najia’s mother and father took her to the clinic; Najeeb and Asharaf left alone at home. They took the lunch with bread and tea.

After a while, someone nocked the door. Najeeb asked Ashraf to open it but Ashraf said that he is small and could not reach to the lock. He asked Najeeb to open the door himself. Najeeb asked him to put a table under his feet and open the door.

When Ashraf opened the door, his cousin, Manan was behind the door. Manan told to Najeeb that the other team members are waiting for them on the football ground of district bazaar.

Najeeb asked Asharaf to find the ball. Ashraf searched it but could not find it then Najeeb ordered Asharaf to take the bicycle’s key from Najia’s purse. Ashraf said that Najia has taken the purse with herself. Najeeb became angry and he found the ball himself and went on foot to the district football ground. When they reached there, it was too late and they had lost the match. Najeeb became very sad and came home.

At home, Najeeb became angry on Najia that why she had taken the bicycle’s key with herself. Najia said that Najeeb himself had put the key in his purse.

Ashraf also blamed Najeeb for not doing his works himself and  Najia’s leg burnt for his mistake.

Najeeb accepted his mistake. Meanwhile, his mother put two buckets in the yard. Najeeb took them and brought some water from the neighboring house.

All members of his family became happy to see that Najeeb was helping her mother with house chores.