Family Violence Leads the Offspring to Offend a Crime

Written by: Ferishta Sahak

In Afghanistan, some offspring taking action against the regulations. Most of these offend related to family violence.

The writer/producer AEPO has talked to some people and a psychologist regarding this issue.

A girl says: my father was always threatening me and my mother. He was leaving me alone outside house’s door and was locking the door behind me. Once he badly beat my mother for nothing special. My father behavior caused me to escape from home.

Assad, a resident of Kabul city says:

My father is a nervous man and he always quarrels with my mother. Once he was very angry. He burned my mother feet with a hot metal rod. It caused me to kill my father and now I am in prison.

Another boy, Nawab says:

My brothers were always quarreling among themselves and sometimes they were threatening me too. It caused me to be arrested by the police.

Professor Sharafuddin Azimi, a psychologist says:

The family is the first place of child education. If there is violence between parents in a family, it would badly affect the children and they might commit different crimes.

Some parents are not aware of the bad effect of violence on their children. Violence causes the children to grow fearful. When they face a small difficulty, they would be afraid of it and could not tolerate. They might face depression. They might feel loneliness and this would cause them not to grow normally.

Professor Azimi says:

This is the resposibility of fathers not to quarrel in front of their children. When they become angry, they could leave the house for a while or keep away their children from the place and then they could solve their problems.

Mothers also could help their children in such cases. They should have tolerance for any kind of violence and could solve their problems in the peaceful environment.