Child Threatening


 Written by: Naqib Ahmad Azizi

Psychologists believe that the basis of human personality is more related to the time of childhood, if parents train well their children, the children would physically and mentally grow up well.

 Some of the families threaten their children for a minor issue in Afghanistan, and it would badly affect the children.

 Writer/producer AEPO has talked to some children, parents and a psychologist about this issue.

Mohammad Sediq, a resident of Sayad, district of Kapisa Province says: while I was a child, my uncle's wife was locking me up in a room. When I grew up and went to military service, I was even not able to talk in front of my commander.

 A psychologist, Sayed Noor Jan Sadat says:

Threatening causes the children to face many psychological problems. These children might threaten other children too and would not be able to tell their problems to their parents or teachers. They would lose their self-confidence and courage and would grow up pessimist and malicious. They would also face with social anxiety and could not be able to share their thoughts with others.

Kinds of Child threaten:

Encouraging children by force to be positive; threatening them in front of others after making small mistakes; oblige them to do hard work, beating them, calling them by unfair names and abusing them.

How people find a solution for this problem?

 Rahmat Andar says: while I to go to my job, my child also says that I should take him with me. I try to convince him. I say him that if you go with me, I would lose my job and would not get any money and I would not be able to bring you anything.

Ismatullah is a child who says: one day I went to my grandfather’s house instead of school. When my mother knew about it, she advised me that if I do not go to school, I would not find a job and I would have to work as a worker and the taskmaster would threaten me.

Sayed Noor Jan Sadat says:

 Children need the kindness of their parents. When a child does a good work, we should encourage him/her. He/ she would improve him/her bad habit.