Fat Squirrel

Written by: Abdullah Fazli

Once upon a time, a gray squirrel had a home under the ground. One day the gray squirrel invited a fat squirrel with his mother to his home. Suddenly the mother started crying and said that due to the invitation of the gray, she lost her son.

Meanwhile, the gray squirrel came back and said that he could not find the fat squirrel. The mother of the fat squirrel cried more and said that she lost her son due to the conspiracy of the gray squirrel. Gray squirrel got angry and said that he had not sunk her son in the water.

They continued to find fat squirrel. Suddenly the mother of the fat squirrel saw something among the bushes and she thought that fox might have been caught her son. The gray squirrel and the mother of the fat went near it and saw that an old rabbit (the doctor of animals) was treating the fat squirrel.

The mother of the fat squirrel became happy and asked the doctor about her son’s health. The doctor replied that the fat rabbit could not talk and breathe well.

The mother of the fat squirrel said to the doctor that gray invited them to his house and then he caused the fat squirrel to sink in the water.

Meanwhile, the fat came on senses and said that he cut the plastic bags that were put in front of the water and the water entered into the basement and sank him.

The mother of the fat squirrel apologized to the gray and the fat squirrel promised not to touch anything when he goes to somewhere afterward.