Volleyball Ground

Written by: Minna Nazari

Idris, Jamal, Khoshhal, Karim and their friends wanted to build a volleyball court in the village. Idris had decided to build a standard volleyball court. They had decided to win the match from the upper village and get the chance to have matches with provincial volleyball team.

When Idris reached to the village ground, he saw that Jamal had collected some boys and wanted to build a volleyball court. Jamal told to the boys that court should 20 meters long and 15 meter wide.

Idris rejected his measurement and said that he has learned from a book about the measurement of the volleyball court but Jamal did not accept and wanted Idris to bring his book. Jamal said that he has lost his book. All the boys laughed on Idris and Idris became very sad and he took Khoshal and Karim with himself left the ground.

Some days later, Jamal built the volleyball court and jury delegation of volleyball court came and when they saw the ground, they said that the volleyball court is not build in accordance to the regulation of building of volleyball court and the team did not get the chance to have a match with the upper village team.

Meanwhile, Idris arrived and wanted the jury delegation to go with him. When they went with Idris, they saw that Idris had built a perfect volleyball court. They appraised Idris’s work and allow them to have a match with the upper village volleyball team. They won the match from the upper village and get the chance to have a match with the provincial volleyball team.

Jamal was very sad that why he did not accept what Idris said.