
Written by: Naqib Ahmad Azizi

Human beings are social creatures and need each other’s help in order to solve their problems but In Afghanistan, some people could not tolerate any unfair saying and become angry very soon.

The writer/producer of AEPO has talked to some people and a psychologist in this regard.

Sayed Murtaza Hoshmand, a resident of Kabul city says: I was a witness to an incident which took place in my village. Some small problems among the women of two cousin’s families caused death. One of the family members took knives and went to their cousin’s house. There a quarrel took place between them and caused to killed one member by knife and the other member by ax.

Sona, another resident of Kabul city says that divorce took place between a husband and his wife in their village due to changing television channels.

Ziaulhaq Shams, a psychologist says 1: anger is accompanying from childhood with a human being and some minor factors cause him to get angry. 2: Anger is a reaction to our negative feelings. If we could not get rid of them, they would stimulate our anger. 3: the mode of human being is changing every moment. Some external factors cause someone to be happy and someone to be sad and angry. Lack of good nutrition and inability of human body also cause the anger but these factors depend on the people and on the place they live in.

Psychologist says that when you become angry, if you are standing, sit down or if you are sitting, lean to a side, if it doesn’t work, then stand up and if they all do not make sense, drink a glass of cold water. leaving the place or changing the matter also help to come over on your anger.