The Dangers of Bicycle Racing on the way to School

 Written by: Najia Nijat

Naseem and his sister, Farida go to the castle and Lalo Mama welcomes them in the gate of the castle. Lalo Mama asks Naseem that why he did not take his cousin to the castle as he promised. Naseem replies that his cousin is admitted into the hospital. Lalo Mama takes them inside the castle and there he asks Naseem about the cause of his cousin’s sickness.

 Naseem says that his cousin fell from his bicycle when he was running fast on the way to school. Lalo Mama says that bicycle racing is dangerous and then he turns on his mobile phone's recorder.

Ramazan, a resident of Qarabagh district, Kabul province says, “Once when I was going to school on the bicycle, my friends wanted to have a bicycle racing. I speeded up my bicycle. When I wanted to get ahead of them and when I reached a diversion, I crashed my bicycle into a wall and injured my leg and my family admitted me into the hospital and was not able to go to school for some days.”

Bilal, a resident of Kabul city says, “When I was a seventh-grade student, my father bought me a bicycle. One day, when I was running the bicycle fast, a car came in front of me. When I wanted to save myself from the car, I hit a boy who was crossing the road and broke his head. We took him to the hospital and paid for his treatment.”

Lalo Mama closes the window.

Naseem says that one or two accidents are usual for everyone. Lalo Mama opens a window for more information.


In the window, Ahmad says his classmate, Emal that the school is getting late. Emal says to him that he has a good name in running the bicycle and they would reach earlier to the school. They took their bicycles. Amad was running fast. Emal wanted to reduce his bicycle speed but Amad did not accept.

When Emal reached the school, they had a football match with another school. Emal did not see Ahmad and asked about him from the other classmates. His classmates replied that he had not come yet.

Emal saw that Ahmad was sitting under a tree in the schoolyard and his uniform was dirty with dust.

Emal asked the reason. Ahmad replied that he fell from his bicycle and injured his leg.

Lalo Mama closes the window. Naseem promises that he would never run fast his bicycle anymore.

Lalo Mama opens the window of listeners.


in the window, some girls are telling a melody about the homeland. Naseem and Farida also learn the melody and then they go back home.