Mobile Car wiring repair services

 Written by: Hasamuddin Hamdard

Some businessmen might be frustrated with their business for losing their customers. But some others have found a solution to this issue and they get themselves to the customers.

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to Farhad, a resident of Kabul city.

Farhad talks about his business, “In the beginning, I had a car wiring workshop near car sales area and my income was sufficient. Later I lost my customers and my business stayed in recession. I started the same business in my car. I hanged a signboard in my car and I have written my phone number on it. Now I have more customers than before.

During quarantine days, some of my customers called me and I repaired their car wiring. I have no expenses for car wiring repair services. I only take the benefit of a hammer, screwdriver, rubber tape, and pliers. The car owners pay me my fee and the price of fuel of my car too.”

Prices of Goods in Critical Situations

AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to Abdul Ghafour, a resident of  Kabul city.

Abdul Ghafour says about his business, “When the government ordered to close the market in Kabul city for prevent the spreading of Coronavirus, some goods wholesalers hoarded their goods and now the market is not in good situation. The price of oil, fours, and other items went up. Those who are rich enough, they bought their 2-3 or 4 months' expenses at once and this issue caused to go the price of goods up.

As I have bought flour, oil, ghee, and some other goods before closing the markets, I did not change the price of my goods as some other businessmen were getting more benefit but I am afraid of Allah and I sell all items in my shop on the wholesale prices. This issue caused me to increase my customers because some customers who had bought goods from me, they informed others through social media.”