Child Learning instead of Memorizing lessons

Written by: Naqeeb Ahmad Azizi

Some lower classes children memorize school lessons instead of learning and most of them even could not read the book. These children might face some problems. AEPO’s writer/producer has talked to some people about this issue.

Arizo, a resident of Ghazni province says, “I have memorized the lessons that my teacher has taught me but I am not able to read them from the book.”

Education expert, Professor Hameed Hasan talks about this issue, “According to the educational method, students have to learn reading in the first 3 classes of the school and after that, they start to learn school lessons but those, who memorize school lessons instead of learning, they could not be succeeded in the exam and this issue might cause them to leave the school and face some psychological problems.”

What do people think about the causes of this issue?

Hewad Rafat, a resident of Maidan-Wardak province says, “I think one reason for memorizing school lessons is the rewarding of the child’s family that they promise if he/she gets high scores, they would buy him/her a good prize. The child tries to memorize the lessons instead of learning.”

Professor Hasand says, “Some children think that memorizing school lessons is the best way of learning. When I was a teacher in a school, they call the intelligent student to the one who was able to memorize the school lessons.”

What do people think about the solution to this issue?

Hewad Rafat says, “When I want to teach my child mathematics, I do not tell him/her that 2 plus 2 are equal to 4 and I neither want him/her to keep it in mind, instead I ask him/her that if I have two cars for intense, and I buy two cars more, how many cars would I have. He/she replies me correctly.”

Professor Hasand says, “The best way to start learning to a child, is the learning the sound of alphabets and identify them and then we should make small words and want the child to write them and then we should use these words in sentences. The parents and teachers should want the children to practice writing and reading and avoid them memorizing.”