
 Written by: Mohammad Nasir Sirat

According to the information, provided by the physicians of the hospital of contagious diseases in Kabul, about 15-20 amoeba patients refer to that hospital daily.

Amoebiasis, also known amoebic dysentery, is an infection caused by any of the amoebas of the Entamoeba group. Symptoms might include abdominal pain, mild diarrhea, bloody diarrhea and Lethargy.

Writer/producer of AEPO has talked to some patients at mentioned hospital.

Nazira says that she has bloody diarrhea and body ache and is not able to walk.

Dr. Jawid Iqbal, a specialist of internal diseases at Kabul contagious diseases hospital says: “Abdominal pain, ordinary and bloody or mucus diarrhea and fever are the common symptoms of amoeba, if leaves untreated, causes inflammation of intestine and along with other microbes, they would effect nerve and might cause the death of the patient.”

Contaminated water and unwashed vegetables are the main sources of amoeba.

If we rinse all kind vegetables in chlorine or salted water and wash our hands before eating, we would be able to prevent many diseases including amoeba.

Physicians say that amoeba does not have any home remedy and advise patients to refer to hospital or a clinic for essential treatment. The treatment of this disease might take 7,15 or 21 days depends on the strength of disease.